Bumps and Bruises


No filter ahead proceed with caution!
My body is lined with bumps and bruises. Literally and figuratively. I have stretch marks and scars and cellulite and bruises from my #nothighgap. My skin is bumpy just like the road has been for me to get to this moment right here. The moment where I unapologetically love every inch of this imperfect squishy body of mine. The moment where when I see my rolls, I roll with it! Because my body has been through a damn journey and it deserves to be loved!
Yesterday was National Bikini Day and y’all know I love and live in my bikinis! And though the rest of the world made me feel like I couldn’t wear one all through my teens, I’m here to tell you that all you need be to wear a bikini is YOU. Not a model, not a size 2, not a size 16 and not anything other than a bold, beautiful woman.