Magazines, Mirrors, and Maybelline


Magazines, mirrors and maybelline - the three things that made me do crazy things when I was struggling the most with loving my body.
It still amazes me how we think we know everything as teenagers, and then we hit our twenties. And we realize all those things we wished for at 15 weren’t even worth having. Or at least that was my experience, yours might be different and that’s okay.
Magazines and modeling had a very tinted view of beauty when I was growing up. Curve and plus size models, real untouched photos - they didn’t exist. So I would stare in the mirror & judge every part of my body, trying to learn how to do makeup because that’s what I believed would make me ‘pretty’.
Sometimes all it takes is a little growth, a little perspective and a different view. I’m not perfect, I never claimed to be, but now at 26, I can look in the mirror and respect the woman staring back at at me.