"Plus Size" or Not


A couple weeks back at an event with some friends, someone asked me what I did for a living to which I replied ‘I’m a plus size model’. To which my girlfriend next to me said, ‘girl, you are a MODEL. In all forms. A model, a role model, a model.’
This took me aback. She stripped away the label of plus size, and grouped me with what is often referred to as ‘regular size’. She didn’t define my success with a number or a stigma. Through working in the industry, we’re often referred to as ‘plus size’ and ‘extended size’ and it’s what I’ve come to know. Which is ironic because the average size in the US is currently a 14. Numbers aside, she saw me as a model who was making a difference, plus size or not.
Becoming a represented model has been the most gratifying experience and the most valued transition in my adult life. It’s been a time of learning, growing, giving, falling, and becoming.
So I’m kicking off the #modelmonday with some badass motivation that I’ve carried with me;
Don’t change to fit in fashion. Change fashion to fit you.